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As Movimiento Felices we focus on the generation of various actions of happiness at the level of people and communities.
Do you want to be a #Felices volunteer? Generate a change in your institution or community? Have our talk "The 7 of Happiness"? Collaborate with us?
Write us and join the change!
Urban Interventions

Intervenciones Felices

Talk - The 7 of Happiness

Charlas de Felicidad

Support for happy initiatives

Felicidad en Comunidad

Felicidad en Comunidad

Felicidad en Comunidad

Felicidad en Comunidad
We celebrate international days associated with well-being and happiness through various interventions, which include: Free hugs, photographic sessions of happiness, conversations and dissemination of content associated with happiness in a playful way and that promote kindness, joy and positive values.
We support initiatives aligned with our purpose and that provide well-being.
We highlight people, institutions and actions that are carried out at a national and international level, being our bases the Wellbeing Institute and the Wellbeing Institute Foundation.
This is our #Felices master talk given by our Director Felipe Cortés. In it, 7 keys that directly generate well-being and happiness are explained in detail according to evidence, and that make up the seven letters of Happy.
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