#Felices is a Citizen Movement that was born in Chile on April 30, 2016 with the aim of highlighting the promotion of happiness and well-being as a comprehensive concept at the citizen level, through simple happiness actions based on scientific evidence and experiences validated worldwide.
Happy is part of a virtuous "triad of happiness" complemented by the Wellness Institute and its Foundation , in which talents, ideas and actions converge for environments and relationships healthier. In the words of its Director Felipe Cortés ( see bio ): " #Felices sets a precedent in our country as it reverts citizen discomfort into an attitude of appreciation and gratitude, in the context of a dynamic life full of nuances for which it is It is important to be prepared and strengthened . "
In a very short time, Felices has positioned itself in Chile and Latin America, being supported by the international Action for Happiness Movement and being a co-partner of the 1st World Happiness Summit, a meeting that brought together world leaders in happiness in various areas. They appear frequently in the media and carry out activities in schools, universities, conferences and in various everyday urban places .
We invite you to immerse yourself in this experience of happiness that is entertaining, playful and with content, which has already generated various benefits and will continue to grow more and more nationally and in Latin America!

#Felices endorses the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations of the year 2011 that establishes that happiness is "a fundamental human objective", and invites countries from their public policies to "the development of new measures that better reflect the importance of the pursuit of happiness in development ".
It was born as a collective need to promote well-being and happiness with strength and social identity, through concrete collaborative actions in the community, recovering trust, collective optimism and the conviction that another Chile is possible.

#Felices seeks to promote individual and collective well-being and happiness, and proposes as an acronym to work on seven principles and components contributed by Positive Psychology research (Seligman, 1998):